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Mini garden at your home

6.9.2019 | | Seen: 7671x
Glass Aerium is a little world for itself. It serves as a decoration, but also as an unusual mini garden for small flower or succulent.


A glass ball with a hole, or aerium / florarium, serves as an original hanging decoration. Inside is best to insert a plants of lesser growth such as carnivores and succulents. You can also arrange sand, stones, artificial flowers or succulents in it.



Some aeriums have a hanging eye for jute string or nylon thread. You can also just place them on a table or cabinet. It is also suitable for Christmas decorations.





  1. Pour a decorative mixture / sand / or other material into the aerium
  2. In the middle, create a small hole, into which carefully submerge the substrate according to the type of plant chosen. Be careful not to mix it with the decorative mixture. In the case of humid airbrushes, you can lay the drainage and substrate directly on top of each other. You can decorate the aerium with a moss. 
  3. Put the chosen plant into the aerium and press the roots thoroughly into the substrate. As soon as all the roots are carefully hidden, pour the substrate and the surrounding area of the plant with another decorative mixture to completely substrate the substrate beneath it.
  4. You can decorate the aerium with stones, shells or other small things.
  5. Finally, pour s teaspoon of water on it.
  6. Hang on to the place you want.
  7. Enjoy the beauty :-)






Do you like a mini-garden, but not taking care of it? Try using artificial flowers or succulents .



OUR TIP: As an unusual gift for a newly-weds you can use a bulb-shaped aerium, in which you can insert money in rolls and add for example some feathers and the sign "Let your love shine" :-).



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